Comet Assay

State-of-the-art comet images

Atomic Force Microscopy

S. cerevisiae chromatin fibers

DNA Gel Electrophoresis

MNase sensitivity assay

Light Micoscropy

S. cerevisiae ageing cell morphology

NATO SPS Advanced Workshop "Benchmarking Telemedicine: Improving Health Security in the Balkans"

The NATO SPS Advanced Workshop "Benchmarking Telemedicine - Improving Health Security in the Balkans" organized by PanEuropa Bulgaria together with Research Center for Security Defence and Peace on 15-17 November, 2016 in Skopje, FYRM brought together international innovators, healthcare leaders from government, military, academia and the private sector within NATO members and partner countries. All participants have presented practical information that could be used in participant countries. The emphasis was on information sharing between participant countries. Results of the meeting were widely disseminated among government, military, healthcare, and academic institutions, as well as NGOs.
The event turned into an informative, very fruitful and to some extent prescient conference where diverse perspectives, various points of view and dissimilar countries´ experience met. This catalyzed meaningful discussions that allowed us to conclude that we need a dialogue and good examples of best practices and standards in Telemedicine in order to build the SYSTEM that will allow successful development and implementation of Telemedicine per se.

Assoc. prof. Miloshev and Assoc. prof. Georgieva from the laboratory were among the invited speakers at the forum. The panel in which they have contributed was "Best practices of Telemedicine among NATO member and partner countries: defining and measuring best practices; integration of Telemedicine across regions and borders".
The talks were: 

Recent developments in Genetics and Epigenetics as challenges and opportunities in Telemedicine
Presented by Assoc. prof. George Miloshev, PhD

TeleGenetics – bringing Telemedicine closer to the new era of Personalized Medicine
Presented by Assoc. prof. Milena Georgieva, PhD