An invititaion to a seminar

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Лабораторията по Молекулярна генетика на дрожди, ИМБ – БАН

Ви кани на лекцията

 на проф. Кристина Мацони

на тема:

mRNA degradation in yeast and its effect on cellular lifespan and apoptosis

Лекцията ще се проведе на 14. 05. 2013 г. (вторник) от 11.00 часа в залата на Института по Физиология на Растенията, бл. 21 в комплекса на БАН.

Кратка анотация: Prof. Cristina Mazzoni Department of Biology and Biotechnology “Charles Darwin”; University of Rome “Sapienza” Piazzale Aldo Moro 5; Rome, Italy In the last years, it became evident that mRNA stability/turnover provides an important mechanism for post-transcriptional control of gene expression. We demonstrated that mutations in factors involved in mRNA decapping result in phenotypic markers of apoptosis and lead to premature aging in yeast. These traits are accompanied by elevated histone mRNA levels persisting throughout the cell cycle and defects in S-phase progression. We also showed that the over-expression of HIR1, a repressor of gene


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